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Hinge Joint Woven Fence Mesh

Welcome to www.fence-allgood.com This woven wire fence is known by a lot of names: box wire, woven wire, non-climb,field fence,horse fence,cattle fence,sheep fence,goat fence,chicken fence,farm fence ,etc. We will use the term woven wire to describe any fence that has vertical and horizontal wires connected to form a grid. These grids can be many different sizes depending on the distance between the wires.

Woven wire’s advantage over all other fences is its security; woven wire fences are specifically designed to keep animals in or out. A tight grid of wires nailed securely on sturdy posts can keep something as small as a rabbit out and or keep an animal as big as a horse in.


+86-15930871003 sandy@fence-allgood.com +8615930871003 sandywiremesh zgmgift
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